Richard M. Blacklock
Benjamin Epstein, Ph.D
James F. Hejduk
Lisa Kabnick
Stephen Loher
Marshall & Ogletree
John McFadden
Kenneth W. Mettler
Hector Olivera
Myles Schlicher
Kenneth Starr
Floyd Watson
Fratelli Ruffatti
Rodgers Instruments
David B. Hassler
John W. Sherman
Robert Vander Zand
James M. Wilson

If you have been watching the Virgil Fox Legacy website, you have continued to see activity: new photos, video clips, text additions and corrections (with the help of our friends), and a completed Discography. We work hard on this website because we believe in the importance of young people being able to find out about, and be inspired by, Virgil. We also believe that everyone who ever heard him, or was touched by his humanity and virtuosity, should be able to rekindle the experience by enjoying the website.

Furthermore, we think that Virgil can communicate even more of himself through recorded works, some of which have never before been available. The Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund at Anchor-International Foundation is the world's primary source for sponsoring unique recordings, re-released historic recordings, and recordings in new digital and DVD formats that can attract the broadest possible range of listeners. Much of this considerable material includes some of Virgil's most important recordings, including nineteen years of archival recordings from The Riverside Church.

The first albums supported by the Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund were released in 2004, starting with The Bach Gamut, Volume I, in January. A second Bach Gamut album will be released as soon as funds allow. Virgil's 1964 recording on the John Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia was released in July, courtesy of Geffen Records, under license from Universal Music Enterprises. At the same time, his 1941 recordings on the Girard College Chapel Organ, Philadelphia, were released on our CD label, OrganArts. Many more are in planning stages.

All of this depends on mainly on funding, and to a degree on sales, and so we enlist your support in the following categories:

$10,000 underwrites the CD/DVD production of an album featuring Virgil Fox.
Lisa Kirk and John McFadden of Philadelphia underwrote Virgil Fox plays the Wanamaker Grand Court Organ. The DVD includes an 11 minutes interview of Virgil at the Wanamaker console, and a 30 minute WCBS-TV program, "La Belle Époque."

$5,000 to $1,000 provides partial underwriting for an album.
Floyd Watson donated $5,000, and Ken Starr donated $1,000 to the Virgil Fox Recording Fund. This funding was used toward the release of The Bach Gamut, Volume I.

$500 entitles a person, foundation, or company to sponsor - in perpetuity - two of the monthly masterclass tapes from 1969.
Sponsors are listed with the posting of the masterclass. Income will accrue entirely to the Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund, because these masterclass tapes have been contributed by Douglas Marshall, and posting has been volunteered by Len Levasseur.

$250 entitles a person to have access - through the use of a password - to all the masterclass tapes yet to be released. It also contributes to the Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund, and lists the donor as a Benefactor in the masterclass descriptions.

Donations of $100 or more to the Virgil Fox Recording Fund will be listed on this website - as are all people, foundations, and companies who contribute to the Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund of
Anchor-International Foundation.

All contributions are fully tax deductible, in that nothing of material value is given to the contributor. Contributions can be made by check or credit card. Make checks out to Anchor-International Foundation, 20 West 64th Street #32P, New York, NY 10023, and specify, either on the check or on an accompanying note, "Virgil Fox Legacy Fund." The tax ID # is 13-3938886.

To make contributions by credit card, telephone 1/800 486-6628; or 1/212 799-9300. You may contribute over the telephone, or request that a form (with return envelope) be sent to you for the purpose. You may also send a message to me,, if you wish.

The Virgil Fox Legacy is a volunteer operation, and no contributed funds are used in its staffing. SeeMusicDVD, OrganArts, and Anchor-International Foundation's Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund require contributors to fund their programs. All wholesale and retail revenues received by SeeMusicDVD and OrganArts are used to replenish the Virgil Fox Legacy Recording Fund, in preparation for future releases.

Richard Torrence, Executive Director, Anchor-International Foundation
20 West 64th Street #32P, New York, New York 10023
1/212 799-9300(-vox), 1/212 799=6455(=fax)
Anchor-International Foundation